Consulting Style Cards are a great way for us to get to know our Thriftkousins™. The style cards were created for our thrift stylist to get to know our Thrifkousins™ personal style. Each style card ask a series of questions; such as size, favorite color, favorite accessory, etc. Based on your answers; our thrift stylist will curate pieces that match your style needs. Pictures of the items will be emailed to you, along with size, measurement and pricing. (NO OBLIGATION TO PURCHASE)
Please complete the "Contact" form (bottom of page) and a style card will be emailed to you.
*We will not disclose to any third party the details regarding the information included on your style card. We will not disclose your business including, without limitation any information regarding any of our Thriftkousins™ information, business plans, or price points. The information contained on your style card is solely for the benefit of the client.*